Manzanillo Sun article

Helpful Hacks to Make Decision Making a Breeze

2018 Finances May 2018 Yann Kostic

By Yann Kostic and Tom Zachystal  from the May 2018 Edition

Should you buy or rent property in Mexico? Should you choose a house Lakeside in Ajijic or an ocean-view condo in Manzanillo? Should you take that job offer or stay retired?

Making sound decisions is one of life’s biggest challenges. If you’re not careful, you can make a poor choice, or even find yourself frozen in indecision.

The next time you are faced with a big decision, try these tips to help you weigh your options. Whether it’s a major life decision or which swimsuit to buy, these hacks can help you work through the decision-making process.

Reverse your role. Have you ever found it easier to advise a friend than to figure out your own life?

If a particular decision is difficult to make, try pretending you’re the friend. Consider what you would tell someone to do in your situation if he or she asked for your advice. This fresh perspective can be quite enlightening.

Avoid overload. Often, we find it hard to make decisions be-cause there are too many options. We feel overwhelmed with information. Try limiting your research so that you are informed but not overloaded.

Talk to two trusted friends rather than asking everyone on so-cial media for advice. Read one good book on the subject rather than fifty online articles.

Make a list. This tried and true method still works. If you want to go high-tech, you can create your list as a spreadsheet.

Either way, list the pros and cons of each option, and then ex-amine your list to decide which option is best. Take your time: a good decision is based on gathering the right information, solid analysis and logical deductions.

Note: This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide financial advice for your particular situation.

Yann Kostic, MBA and Tom Zachystal, CFP, are Presidents of their respective As-sets Management firms, both US-Registered Investment Advisors (RIA). Tom is the San Francisco Financial Planners’ Association President. Tom and Yann cater to US expats in Mexico and worldwide. Comments, questions or to request his newsletter, “News you can use” contact him at, in the US at (321) 574-1 529 or in Mexico, (376) 106-1613.

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