By Tommy Clarkson from the January 2011 Edition
El Parian Salagua
Owner: Javiar & Lupita
While striving to maintain a positive attitude, generally,
I’m not one to gush about “new found treasures.”
However, today may be the exception.
El Parian one block, headed easterly, from the Los Hadas intersection is a true culinary find. Easy access, superlative food, outstanding service and simply great prices!
During our first visit we ordered a Caesar Salad (Cesar de Pollo), two orders of Chiles Rellenos De Picadillo, and Eggplant lasagna. YUM on all counts including the garlic pita served along with our meals and a chocolate drizzled crepe for dessert! And sweetness upon that was the fact that, including beers, drinks and a generous tip, our tab was only 430 pesos!
The open air ambiance is delightful what’s occasional traffic noise anyway, it simply confirms the local “feel”.
Comfortably seating forty plus at checked table clothed with settings for four (easily joined for larger groups) it is the sort of place we all keep an “eye out for!”
And while the owners a distinguished looking Javiar and slender, long-haired, attractive Lapita are not bi-lingual, their wait staff all speak good English and displayed a most friendly and responsive attitude.
Beyond a variety of tacos, fajitas and delightfully prepared pescado, sumptuous smelling and attractively presented lasagna and spaghetti, also available on the menu is a lip smacking array of pizzas, all prepared in the nearby charcoal fired clay oven. We know this for a fact as we returned but a few nights later thoroughly enjoying three different varieties the best we’ve had in Mexico!
Bottom line. This is a “gotta’ go to restaurant!
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Tommy Clarkson is a bit of a renaissance man. He’s lived and worked in locales as disparate as the 1.2 square mile island of Kwajalein to war-torn Iraq, from aboard he and Patty’s boat berthed out of Sea Bright, NJ to Thailand, Germany, Hawaii and Viet Nam; He’s taught classes and courses on creative writing and mass communications from the elementary grades to graduate level; He’s spoken to a wide array of meetings, conferences and assemblages on topics as varied as Buddhism, strategic marketing and tropical plants; In the latter category he and Patty’s recently book, “The Civilized Jungle” – written for the lay gardener – has been heralded as “the best tropical plant book in the last ten years”; And, according to Trip Advisor, their spectacular tropical creation – Ola Brisa Gardens – is the “Number One Tour destination in Manzanillo”.
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