By Patty Clarkson from the June 2010 Edition
Ed and Kate share me equally with Jefe and Molly, their buff colored “almost” identical Boxers.
I was conceived and born by Gilberto Ramirez, a local architect with no muss no fuss! Which I understand is quite an accomplishment for any new casa.
My two absolutely delightful and fun loving masters, Ed who is tall and almost regal and Kate a petite, curly haired bundle of energy.
They moved into me June 2005 much to my delight goodness – five years ago! But time does go fast when you’re having fun, as Ed likes to say.
They love to entertain and I was designed to mirror that interest plus I am very functional and easily maintained.
I am adorned with eclectic pieces of art from their travels all over the world with added cozy display nooks for the larger beauties. And, of course, there are a few originals sprinkled around for that added touch of class.
I think the journey that “my people” traveled before creating me is note worthy. Ed retired from the US Navy after spending twenty-three years as a Naval Aircraft Pilot and experienced both the Viet Nam and Korean “Conflicts”. With too much energy and lots of time he formed Ed Preston Real Estate, Inc., a real estate firm in Sedona, AZ. Kate, who by education is an attorney but by passion a real estate broker, begin coming to the Manzanillo area twenty-one years when Manzanillo was only a hint of the promise seen today.
After vacationing and owing a condominium in this part of the world for ten of those years they finally made the “big break” and retired here eleven years ago. They both still had too much energy and lots of time so they decided to open a real estate firm here in Santiago and so Ed Preston Bienes Raices soon had the doors open and was ready for business Ed and Kate operated that business for eight more years.
Now settled in and playing a lot of golf and enjoying themselves immensely. Kate says…”just how lucky are we to live here?”
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