By Suzanne A. Marshall from the August 2014 Edition
Director: Jake Kasdan
Starring: Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Rob Coddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe
Truth be told, I haven’t been enticed by most of the summer movie offerings. As a last resort we went to see
‘Sex Tape’ largely due to the television promotion of a film ‘out-take’ of Segel talking to the Siri app on his phone about how to resuscitate a dog. It’s quite funny so we decided to chance it.
The story line goes like this: A married couple wake up to discover that the sex tape they made the evening before to spice up their marriage, has been hacked and posted, leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts and to get it down off a porn website. But truly it’s a story that begins back in college when they first met and entails a whole lot of full nudity and comedic sex scenes that go on and on. Surrounded by 20 and 30 somethings in the theatre ‘belly laughing’ through the entire movie, it does have some funny moments but mostly it’s just really silly. Example, the scene where they are sitting nude on the couch with ice packs on their privates from many attempts at the sexual gymnastics that they’ve been trying to film from The
Joy of Sex. In the midst of the story are their two children and doting ignorant mother and a whole lot of plot gaps.
It did not do well at the opening box offices and so far the ratings are at 4.9/10. I wouldn’t give it any more personally. But since it’s quite explicit and the stars are big names with big followings, it will probably bring home some profits for them in the end.
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Suzanne A. Marshall hails from western Canada and has been living the good life in Manzanillo over the past 8 years. She is a wife, mom and grandma. She is retired from executive business management where her writing skills focused on bureaucratic policy, marketing and business newsletters. Now she shares the fun and joy of writing about everyday life experiences in beautiful Manzanillo, Mexico, the country, its people, the places and the events.
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