By Suzanne A. Marshall from the November 2014 Edition
Starring: Mireille Enos, Joel Kinnaman, Billy Campbell and many more
Director: various for different episodes
I’m almost afraid that I can’t do this four year Netflix series justice. Suffice it to say it has been categorized as a crime drama, mystery series, but it is so much more. It is also an introspective psychological study of all the main characters. It draws you ever so slowly into their lives while the raining skies and wet streets of Seattle underscore the intensity of each personality and crime scenario. The plots are laid out so intricately that the first crime takes two seasons to resolve, yet never seems to be dull or lagging.
The acting of the two lead detective partners is brilliant. The complexity of Enos’ character Sara Linden is so complex you’re really never sure what she’s really capable of. It is difficult not to binge watch this series but because I found it emotionally exhausting and dark, two episodes at a time seemed like all I could handle.
Then I began to fear that because the series ends after four seasons, that I’d be left with an unsatisfying cliffhanger ending and never feel that the story’s journey ever reached a conclusion. Well worry not. Though some may say it ‘copped out’ with a good ending, I say thank you and my husband can testify to the audible cheer I gave it in our living room because they did give (for me a least) an ending that I could live with and never grumble about.
As far as I’m concerned this series is up there with my favorites: Breaking Bad and the Sopranos. The ratings for this series via IMDB have been consistently 8.2/10 or higher. Yes, indeed.
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Suzanne A. Marshall hails from western Canada and has been living the good life in Manzanillo over the past 8 years. She is a wife, mom and grandma. She is retired from executive business management where her writing skills focused on bureaucratic policy, marketing and business newsletters. Now she shares the fun and joy of writing about everyday life experiences in beautiful Manzanillo, Mexico, the country, its people, the places and the events.
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