By Manzanilo Sun Writer from the July 2014 Edition
English | Spanish | |
Artichoke | Alcachofa | |
Asparagus | Esparragos | |
Beans | Frijoles | |
Beet | Betabel | |
Bell Pepper | Pimienta | |
Broccoli | Brocoli | |
Brussel Sprouts | Col de Bruselas | |
Cabbage | Col | |
Red Cabbage | Col Morado | |
Carrot | Zanahoria | |
Cauliflower | Coliflor | |
Celery | Apio | |
Chickpeas | Garbanzos | |
Chiles | Chiles | |
Coriander | Cilantro | |
Corn | Elote / Maiz | |
Cucumber | Pepino | |
English Cucumber | Pepino Euro | |
Eggplant | Berenjena | |
Garlic | Ajo | |
Ginger | Gengibre, .Jenjibre | |
Green Bean | Ejote, Frijole Verdi | |
Green Peas | Chicharos | |
Leek | Porro, Puerro | |
Lentils | Lentejas | |
Lechuga, Romana, | ||
Lettuce | Orejana | |
Lima Bean | Alubia de Lima | |
Mushroom | Champinone, Hongo | |
Okra | Angui, Okra | |
Onion | Cebolla | |
Green Onion | Cebolla Cambray | |
Red Onion | Cebolla Roja | |
Scallions | Cebolla de Rabo | |
Parsley | Perejil | |
Potato | Papa | |
Pumpkin | Calabaza | |
Radish | Rabano | |
Spinach | Espinaca | |
Squash | Calabeza | |
Sweet Potato | Camote | |
Swiss Chard | Acelga | |
Tomato | Jitomate, Tomato Bola | |
Green Tomato | Tomatillo. Tomate Verde | |
Plum Tomato | jitomate Ciruela | |
Turnip | Nabo | |
Vegetable Pear | Chayote | |
Watercress | Berro | |
Zucchini | Calabacita |
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Manzanillo Sun’s eMagazine written by local authors about living in Manzanillo and Mexico, since 2009