Manzanillo Sun article


2014 Living in Mexico October 2014

By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the October 2014 Edition

The Manzanillo Sun has continually shown interest in our host country and assisting those people both travelling and living in it in order to have the best and most enjoyable time during their visit however long that may be.

The local people are, for the most part, gracious, courteous, friendly, and helpful. Mexico has a radically different culture than that of the USA or Canada. It was settled during a different time and by a different culture than either one of its two northern neighbors. The problem the local people have with us is that there isn’t much difference in the USA and Canadian cultures and a chasm from the ‘old world’ charm and grace the Mexican people have been able to maintain through the years. The only ‘bad guy’ on the scene is the individual that is commonly called ‘The Ugly American’ although that individual could be from anywhere.

Although people are, by and large, homogenous and get along easily; some governments, however act somewhat like a manic depressive when it comes to their own populations. Like any mother hen they are going to set up all sorts public and social systems which are designed to protect and serve their people. These programs and laws sometimes have a negative impact on visitors especially when they’re being replaced or radically changed and the visitor doesn’t understand the law, the local language, much less that of the local culture.

Within the geographical boundaries of Manzanillo there are both people and agencies that can and often do give help to both sides of this cultural fence. Ian Rumford has a standing rule within his staff and that is to publish openly and fully that which impacts this fragile relationship whenever and however we can. Usually this is done by one of our highly paid, professional staff of writer’s (NOT!) in an article of something fewer than two thousand words.

What we have coming up now deals with a huge change in the Immigration and Visitor laws into Mexico. The scope of these changes is way in excess of two thousand
words and the effect carries into many different aspects of the lives and way of living of the immigrants. As a result we’re going to do things a little differently. We’re going to not put it up in the Sun but in Facebook under the Manzanillo Sun’s account with an “IMMIGRATION” banner until someone comes up with a better one. We will address aspects of these changes and will solicit questions, concerns and comments on each.

We’re not sure what kind of input rate we can get as that depends on our understanding of what were reading and the number of questions that are asked. However, we will cover it all as quickly and as fully as we can. We will answer all the questions from each input either ourselves based on what we can ferret out of the web or from some knowledgeable authority. Your experiences and inputs will be greatly appreciated and used to further everyone’s knowledge. If you have a question or comment and don’t want to be identified (as you will be if you enter your own comment into the Sun’s Facebook page) just e-mail your thoughts to info@manzanillosun and we’ll enter it for you.

We’ve scheduled the first to be published during the latter part of the first week in October.

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