By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the October 2013 Edition
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Happy October Ladies,
Summer is officially over. October brings cooler weather for those in the United States and Canada and the leaves are changing color. In Manzanillo, October brings hope that the Hurricane season is over or almost over
The October luncheon will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd.. Be at Oasis at 12:30 to socialize and pay for your luncheon and drinks. The speakers for October will be from Pure Vida. The Acupuncturist and Reiki Massage Therapist will be there to give us some tips. The lunch for Wednesday will be pizza and a salad You can respond to this mailing that you are attending OR You can respond that you are attending by going to our web
site at
Then click on the polls link to register. Please respond by Tuesday afternoon. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make a last minute decision to attend. We just like to have a very close number to give Oasis.
Long time Puerto Las Hadas resident Harland Beach passed away recently in Moorhead, Minnesota from cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
Hurricane Manuel caused very little damage to Manzanillo. The airport was closed for a few days and there was some flooding in the Valle. Everyone was happy to be spared the damage that other areas had.
GREAT NEWS – Since about the 20th of September, residents of Manzanillo have been smoke free. Yes, the smokestacks have not been emitting smoke. All hope this continues.
In case you are interested, you can get Netflicks in Manzanillo now. It is quite wonderful for 8 dollars a month as there are tons of movies and tv series to choose from without advertising. What you need is either a smart tv, a connection for your tv to either your computer or your Ipad or equivalent and 50.00 dollars for the connection to the Ipad, 770.00 pesos and Candy
doesn’t know about other tablets…an apple tv 99.00 dollars in Canada and US 1400 pesos here so, if you are interested it is much cheaper to buy the connections in your home city.
Robert Hill is again offering painting classes starting in November. Tuesday’s from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 in front of Bahia Deli starting November 12th; Wednesday’s from 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at Pergola starting November 13; and Thursday’s from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 at El Faro starting November 14th. Contact Robert Hill ASAP for more information on supplies and to register.
Gaby Sevilla Blanco sent a message that Baheas Gemelas is offering a trip to Las Vegas on October 31st for a three night stay at the Hotel Mandalay Bay. The cost is $855.00 USD for two people. For further information or to reserve your space, call 333-1060 and 314-872-6837 or 332-4577 and 332-3585.
Casa Hogar Liborio Espinoza’s fundraiser chairpersons, John and Kendra Farnsworth are looking for volunteers to assist with the upcoming “An Evening at the Copacabana” on February 19, 2014. Needed are artists to donate their work; people to create gift baskets; and people to donate their time. Contact John and Kendra at
Saturday, October 12th – Columbus Day Descubrimiento de America Commemorates the Discovery of the Americas in 1492 by the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus. This is a Civic Holiday
Saturday, October 12th – Columbus Day in the United States although it will be celebrated as a holiday on Monday, September 14th.
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Manzanillo Sun’s eMagazine written by local authors about living in Manzanillo and Mexico, since 2009