By Suzanne A. Marshall from the February 2013 Edition
What can I say? my husband Allan and I are movie goers! We just love them and it kind of feels like a good old fashion date to go to a movie with your honey and eat caramel popcorn(our addiction and preference) in an air conditioned theatre.
When first arriving in Manzanillo and seeing the large and relatively new Cinepolis Theatre complex we got very excited. Then of course we assumed that all movies would be in Spanish. Ours is not so good though improving each year as we throw away our egos and plunge into our Spanglish and work with our Spanish friends to help us say things correctly.
But once we stopped in and looked at the schedules and checked everything out on the internet, we were delighted to find many films in English with Spanish subtitles. So we see movies regularly and slowly begin to pick up on some of the translation (via sub-titles) though much of it is far too advanced for us at the moment.
The movie that I would most highly recommend of late is the ‘ Life of Pi’ or as posted on the Spanish billboards: “Una Aventura Extraordinario”. Of course movies are a very subjective thing. I personally don’t enjoy a lot of unnecessary violence, (though I love a good thriller/caper genre such as James Bond), I won’t see vampire or horror movies. Other than that I’m pretty open.
Life of Pi is one of the most artistic, cinematically sumptuous movies I have ever laid eyes on. Not only is the cinematography amazing, but the special effects are incredibly real and given the added element of 3D you might have well been in the boat with our young heroine.
When I first realized that Ang Lee was directing this film (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Sense and Sensibility; Brokeback Mountain) I was quite excited as his interpretations and direction are so evident in his engrossing story telling rhythms, with the ability to have his audience relate to the characters and hold them. When the movie ended, I couldn’t believe that 2 hours and 6 minutes had spun by.
Written by the Man Booker Prize award winning novelist for Life of Pi, Yann Martel and interpreted for screen by screenwriter David Magee, this story of a young man who survives a disaster at sea as a cast away with a Bengal tiger, does not take you to a point where all lived happily thereafter but instead brings a poignant story of a young man who learns to cope with a tragic and heart breaking catastrophe.
This movie has been rated as 4 out of 5 stars on various ratings services and has been nominated for a number of Golden Globe awards and 11 Academy Awards, second only to the new movie release still to come in Manzanillo ‘Lincoln’.
For current movies playing at the Manzanillo Cinepolis go to:
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Suzanne A. Marshall hails from western Canada and has been living the good life in Manzanillo over the past 8 years. She is a wife, mom and grandma. She is retired from executive business management where her writing skills focused on bureaucratic policy, marketing and business newsletters. Now she shares the fun and joy of writing about everyday life experiences in beautiful Manzanillo, Mexico, the country, its people, the places and the events.
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