By Manzanillo Sun from the September 2014 Edition
In the Sun, we have reviewed many restaurants over the years. After dining out in so many of the diverse restaurants around town it occurred to me that in many instances what is mentioned on the menu, is not really understood by a new diner.
Hopefully I can remember some of the pitfalls, but I can certainly explain the commonest phrases or words.
In most of the restaurants they offer a choice of how the main entrée is to be cooked, particularly fish or chicken.
natural plain
frito deep fried
salteado sautéed
poche, escalfado poached
en mantequilla in butter
en ajo in garlic
a la mojo in butter and garlic
estilo diablo devilled – hot peppers
estilo Veracruzana Veracruz style, In a tomato, peppers,
onion salsa – may be hot
al gusto “as you like it”
How you like it cooked
empanizada breaded
arrachera grilled flank steak usually used in fajitas
carne asada grilled meat
raro rare
medio raro medium rare
bien hecho well done
fajitas in Mexico, the tortilla is rolled and eaten separately
florentina with spinach
Huevos Eggs
duro hard boiled
revuelto scrambled
poche poached
sonrisa sunnyside up
frito fried
con with
sin without
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Manzanillo Sun’s eMagazine written by local authors about living in Manzanillo and Mexico, since 2009
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