By Manzanillo Sun Writer from the October 2014 Edition
Happy October Ladies,
The October Mujeres Amigas Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, October 1st.
Be at Vaqueros on Blvd de la Madrid by 12:30 p.m. to choose your luncheon off the menu, to socialize and to join in a short session of Gentle and Fun Chair Yoga led by Manzanillo’s certified Yoga Instructor, Shelly Reid. No mat or lululemon required.
The speaker at the luncheon will be Jane Goldspink who will give a talk on, “Art of saying ‘No’… unless ‘Yes’ is better!” Jane has a Master’s in Education, was a specialist in Special Education, Guidance Educator for 35 years, and elementary school principal for 15 years and has now been retired for almost three years. Jane currently produces a newsletter for local retired teachers of Ontario, with a readership of 1000 plus. Plus, Jane is dabbling in a small decorative pillows business and has recently arranged to be part of an Antique and Collectibles shop nearby. She is married and has three children.
Ladies Please – If you plan on attending the luncheon, please respond by 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 7th, to: It is important to respond. A ‘Thank You’ to all who responded last month. We are all happy that you attend the luncheons. A few more or a few less unannounced are okay. If you know what you would like to eat at Vaqueros, include that with you response and it will be ordered when the count is given.
As of August 15th, US cheques will NOT be accepted in Mexico. Not at banks, InterCam or Monex. As of now, it is not wise to bring US dollars into Mexico, they are also not accepted. This is possibly a new regulation set up by the IRS and not the Mexican Banks. It is suggested you send a Foreign Currency Wire in pesos down to your Bank, InterCam, Monex or accountant to pay your accounts and expenses.
For Canadians: Your Canadian cheque is accepted. Also, if you have an account in US currency on a Canadian Bank at a Canadian address; those cheques will be accepted. If there are any changes to this regulation, you will be notified ASAP.
Word has been received that founding Mujeres Amigas member, Freda Vickery (Rumford) is again battling another cancer. At this time, she is currently receiving radiation therapy. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers for our friend Freda. She would love a note from those who know her.
In case you are wondering, Mujeres Amigas celebrated 14 years of existence in June of this year. Our founding members first met at Candy King’s condominium for a pot-luck luncheon. Those in attendance were Freda Vickery (Rumford), Jean Maierhofer, Jane Buske, Marilyn Short, Kate Preston, Sally Fox, Ginny Ruiz, and a few more that neither Freda nor Candy can remember. The group soon grew to meeting once a month and meeting at El Caribe restaurant for a number of years. Mujeres Amigas now meets regularly at the Oasis thanks to Katy and Diego and a wonderful 392 ladies receive our newsletter.
For those on Facebook, Mujeres Amigas has a new page. Sorry, if you are not on Facebook you cannot access the page even to just check it out.
The Efren Gonzalez’ 4-Day Oil Painting workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, to Friday, Feb. 6th. The exact location and directions will follow later. The cost will be MN 3,800 pesos. Make your reservations immediately to Brigitte Cowan at: A deposit of 50% will be due by Jan. 2nd, 2015. Classes start at 9:00 AM and end around 3:30 to 4:00 PM each day. All painting supplies i.e. canvases, brushes, paint, cleaner are provided by Efren. This is a great opportunity for all levels of painters to get one on one instruction from a gifted teacher and artist. Space is limited. The group was able to schedule 2 classes in 2014 and hope to again in 2015! The first session was filled early with 16 painters. If the first week doesn’t work for you, please consider the workshop scheduled for Feb. 24th to Feb. 27th, 2015. Hope to see you with paintbrush in hand!
Patty Talasy, the Managing Director of Casa Hogar Liborio Espinoza is coordinating to have adults visit the children for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon every Wednesday beginning on Wednesday, October 1st. Patty will have games and crafts for the adults to use to interact with the children. If you would like to spend an hour once a month, or more, to share with the children please telephone Patty at 333-8085 or email:
Hopefully you read the September issue of the Manzanillo Sun e-magazine as there was a beautiful tribute to Manzanillo artist Robert Hill.
So far during the 2014 Tropical Storm/Hurricane season, 16 named storms have traveled north past Manzanillo. Luckily for Manzanillo, the storms remained off shore. Marie, Norbert and Odile caused the most rain and wind damage with Norbert and Odile causing the highest waves. Number 16, Polo didn’t have high winds but did produce more rain. Hopefully, no more storms will pass by Manzanillo this season.
Friends of Chef Wolf Hausladen of La Pergola, Elsa and Fidel, have a large flower company in the El Central Village and also a flower hospital to take care of plants for people who go back to US or Canada. You can contact Chef Wolf for more information.
Don’t forget to read the October issue of the Manzanillo Sun e-magazine that will be available soon after the first of the month.
Sunday, October 12th: Columbus Day –
“Descubrimiento de America” commemorates the Discovery of the Americas in 1492 by the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus. This is a civic holiday in Mexico.
Monday, October 13th: Columbus Day is the celebratory day in the United States. However, the correct Columbus Day is October 12th.
Thursday, October 16th: An Accordion Orchestra from the Czech Republic will be the first Belles Artes del Pacificio concert of the season at the Marbella Salon de Eventos.
The concert begins at 8:30 p.m. and a ticket is MN300 pesos. Tickets can be purchased at the Mujeres Amigas luncheon, Juanitos and the Marbella.
Friday, October 31st: HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Saturday, December 6th: Start the season with a black and white pot luck gala under the stars. The annual pre-Christmas benefit for the Asilio Ancianos will be held at: the Condominio Pelicanos in Las Brisas. Reservations now being taken by Lydia Bevaart at or 334-0002.
Thursday, January 29th 2015: The Casa Hogar Los Angelitos Fundraiser will be held at the Valle de Las Garzas Fairgrounds. Featuring the Children of Casa Hogar and “The Tall Boys Band” for music and dancing.
Tuesday, February 10th 2015: The 31st Santiago Foundation dinner, auction and dance will be held at the Hotel Tesoro.
Sunday, February 15th 2015: The Efren Gonzalez Art Exhibit and Demonstration will be held at the home of Candy King and Dan Alnoch. The event is dedicated to the memory of Robert Hill and will benefit PATA. (Personas Ayundando a Todo los Animales )
Space is limited and tickets can now be reserved at MN350 pesos by contacting Brigitte Cowen at: There will be a 12 X 12 silent auction of donated artworks from local artists. More information will follow later. So, local Manzanillo artists start thinking of an oil or acrylic piece you can donate for the event.
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Manzanillo Sun’s eMagazine written by local authors about living in Manzanillo and Mexico, since 2009
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