In the winter there are international flights daily but in the summer time many of these flights are no longer available and it is necessary to consider Puerto Vallarta (PVR) or Guadalajara (GDL) as destination points. Both of the cities are almost equidistant from Manzanillo and both offer good and cheap bus service to Manzanillo. Airport ground transportation is limited to taxis and car rentals. There are no local or regional bus services to airport. The Manzanillo airport is located several miles northwest of Manzanillo on Hwy 200. Turn off the highway at the 38 km marker. It is 20 minutes from Barra de Navidad and Melaque, 40 minutes from Manzanillo.

You can consult the incoming and outgoing flights of the day here, at this link.
Upon arrival, and after clearing immigration and customs (in that order), you can pick up your rental car, exchange money or get a taxi, if a friend or family member is not picking you up.
Before getting to customs, usually, arriving passengers will neatly place luggage together in a collection spot and one party will shepherd the luggage over to the front of the line when the other party, that waited in the lineup, gets to the front. They meet up there, rather than having everyone shuffle luggage through the lineup.
You’ll need to press the red/green light button to clear customs. Most bags will also go through an x-ray scanner. If you get the red light, your bags will be inspected.
The airport has a restaurant/cafeteria, wifi but only for Telmex users as of last update, and a number of shops.
If you are renting a car, you’ll likely want to have made that arrangement in advance. Expect hefty fees and insurance options on top of your quoted rental fee. Fares can easily be $100 USD daily or more and still carry a hefty deductible. The airport or Manzanillo offices of the car rental companies the airport lists can be found here.
For those taking taxis, you can find the current rates on this page. The phone number for the main taxi office at the airport is 314 333 1999.
The cost for parking is here, both hourly and daily rates (in Spanish).
The Wikipedia item for the Playa de Oro airport is here and has statistics and facts of interest.
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